Nu har du en enestående chance for at opleve en international mixed doubles curling turnering på dansk jord. Det sker, når Hvidovre Curling Club afholder den 5. udgave af Hvidovre Mixed Doubles Cup den 10. – 12. februar 2023.
Turneringen er den eneste danske turnering, der er del af World Curling Tour. Den havde sin opstart i 2018 og er siden vokset sig større, og håbet er, at der kommer flere internationale turneringer til Danmark.
I alt deltager 12 hold fra både Norge, Polen, Sverige, Spanien, Tyrkiet, Østrig og Danmark. Heraf 6 danske mixed doubles hold.
Hvidovre Curling Club ligger i Frihedens Idrætscenter. Adressen er Hvidovrevej 446, 2650 Hvidovre, Danmark.
Program og tider

Rules and Systems of play
In the group stage all teams will play each other in the group (8 ends). In case of a tie after
8 ends a winner will be determined through a “one stone shoot-out” whereby each team
makes one final draw. The team with the stone closest to the button is the winner.
Points will be awarded in the following way:
3 points for winning in 8 ends.
2 points for winning in “one stone shoot-out”.
1 point for losing in “one stone shoot-out”.
0 points for losing in 8 ends.
15 minutes before the game starts the first team (first team in the program) will have 4
minutes of practice followed by two Last Stone Draws (LSD) consisting of 1 stone per
player, 1 clockwise and 1 counterclockwise. The winner of LSD (lowest average) decides
hammer. Team practicing first plays red stones. The second team will practice after the
first team has finalized its LSD.
WCF approved sweeping equipment must be used.
Time clocks will not be used during the matches. Players are expected to play in a
reasonable pace to ensure that there are no delays in the schedule. That means that a
game of 8 ends is expected to take around 1 h 30 min. Each team, regardless if they have
a coach present or not, may call one 60 seconds time out per game.
Teams that have a coach present may consult with the coach during these 60 seconds.
Playoff, ranking and tie-breaks
The three highest ranked teams in each group will qualify for the playoffs.
Teams are ranked within the group based on:
- Number of points
- Head-to-head record
- Draw Shot Challenge (DSC) (counting the team’s 9 best shots from the LSD.
For the playoffs the group winners will be qualified for the semifinals. Second and third
placed teams will be paired and play quarterfinals across groups. Ranking between
teams from different groups will be based on number of points in the group stage
followed by the DSC.
In the quarterfinal’s A2 plays B3 and B2 plays A3. Best ranked team after the group stage
have hammer in the play-off games, play yellow stones and practice first.
All play-off games are played in 8 ends with a “one stone shoot-out” in case of a tie except
the final round. The final and bronze game will play an extra end in case of a tie.

Topfoto: Det danske mixed doubles team Jasmin Lander / Henrik Holtermann.